
Live Colourfully

Sometimes…all you need is a little splash of colour!

In the supermarket on yet another dull July day I was deliberating which ice-lollies my boys would like when an older lady tapped my shoulder, “I had to come over to say how beautiful the colour of your dress is and how fabulous you look” she said.

Now ladies let me be honest, I had no make-up on, my hair was greasy and lank and frankly I wasn’t looking great.  But she didn’t notice any of that.  She only noticed the bright vivid colour of pink I was wearing!

The compliment reaffirmed what I’ve been shouting from the rooftop for such a long time – wearing colour not only brightens your mood but it will also brighten the world around you! And I bet you anything that you will have strangers smiling at you.  Had I been wearing black I would have gone unnoticed.  I’m not bashing black but I’m just very pro colour.

The three colours that dominated my wardrobe in my 20’s were black, white, and beige.  That was literally it and it worked but you can pretty much make anything look good when you’re younger.

So, if you’re new to wearing colour then start by maybe introducing a top or cardigan in a colour that suits your skin tone or a skirt in a bright colour with a plain top. Gradually, or not so gradually, build it up until you’re feeling comfortable wearing brighter colours. In no time I reckon wearing that black or grey top will feel drab.

And if you’re already a colour convert then continue to standout, shine and be ready for your compliments!

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