Do you need one striking outfit for a special event, ongoing advice or something in-between?  The primary purpose of the initial consultation is to make sure I know what you want help with.

As we talk through your needs we’ll discuss:

o  Colours – does one colour dominate your wardrobe? Are you looking for this to change? Are there any colours that are an absolute no go?

o  Styles and trends – what do you currently favour? Are you choosing function over design? Have you recently had a big life change?  Like becoming a mum or change of relationship?  Have you lost your style and need help finding you again? Does your career require a certain look? 

o  Body shape – what’s your favourite body part? What should we be showing off? We need to understand your body shape and what will work best for you.  Every body shape is beautiful and numerous options are available.

o  Current wardrobe – are you struggling to shut drawers and cupboard doors? Are some items yet to see the light of day? Are you wearing the same few items day in day out? Are you making bad shopping choices?  Have you reached a milestone birthday and need help making a slight change in the way you dress?

o  Shopping habits – which brands do you associate with and why? Is sustainability a key concern? How much time do you have to dedicate?

o  Make Up – Have you been wearing the same make up for years?  Would you like advice on products out there? Are you overwhelmed by so many choices?  We can educate you on key make up products that can elevate your look.

o  Skin Care – Are you using products that are no longer working for you?  A woman’s skin dramatically changes over the age of 35.  Skin cells become sluggish resulting in lacklustre appearance, fine lines and wrinkles.  Using the right products can awaken the cells resulting in a fresh more youthful look. How do I know this?  Well, I’ve been through it. We can tailor a skincare plan that will dramatically change your skin using cosmeceutical products.

o  Budget – No matter how much or how little, understanding what you can afford to spend is key. The fashion you wear needs to be affordable and appropriate for you.


This is perfect for you if you want;

o  To enjoy time with your own personal stylist 

o  Learn how to dress your body shape

o  Be introduced to different styles and learn how to create several looks with key items

o  Learn how to accessorize

o  Be introduced to colours that suit your skin tone 

o  Learn how to become an efficient shopper

o  Learn how to dress your best assets

Outline of the day

o  Initial briefing over coffee to discuss researched outfit ideas on mood boards, suggested shops and stops

o  Time will be agreed based on need but indicatively as below:

§  Half Day (c.3 hours)

§  Full Day (c.6 hours with time for quick re-fuel)


I’ve adapted my in-person personal shopper service to offer the same experience via Zoom.

The above attributes remain the same albeit without the travel. Without the walking and trying-on of different outfits the same can be achieved in approximately half the time.


It often takes encouragement doing what we know needs to be done. But where to start…?

Whether you to retain, recycle or resell some of the items in your wardrobe this is an excellent exercise in fashion discipline. 

Coming to your home I will review all items in your wardrobe and make the decision what to do with those items that;

o  Remain unused since purchase – will you ever really wear it?

o  No longer fit like they used to – is there a good chance you be able to wear it again?

o  Are currently out of trend – we all know fashion is cyclical but not all items quite make it back

o  Been used one time too many – whether we like it or not, our favourite items tend to get tired the quickest

And perhaps most importantly we will help you to understand what in your current wardrobe best flatters you and why

You can expect a typical wardrobe work-out to take no more than 3 hours


You love your fashion and want always to look your best but you want to outsource all of the effort.

For my Goddesses I will;

o  Prepare a tailored plan every season detailing no less than three new outfits across your choice of casual, work and socials (shared online)

o  Open availability for Personal Shopper sessions (capped to 6 per year)

o  Send ad hoc updates with new items as they become available that I think are perfect for you

o  Organise regular catch-ups to see if there’s anything in particular you’d like to me to look out for

o  Everyone loves a bargain.  I am constantly observing outlet, special pricing and discounted items on brands websites.  Any stunning bargain pieces found I will bring to your attention.