
Products Not Working Anymore…Then Switch It Up!

There are products that truly work!

Switch it up!

It doesn’t matter how busy I am, the one part of my life that I’m never too busy for is my skincare regime. Whether I’ve had a late night, too tired or feel I can’t be bothered to do much I always apply my products religiously day and night.  

I visit my ‘skin lady’ every couple of months and at my recent appointment she was super impressed with the health of my skin. This compliment affirmed that my recent switch up of products had been worth it. Hooray! 

A few months earlier my skin was looking dull and my “J-Lo” glow had disappeared.  I am a huge fan of SkinCeuticals but I had been using their products for several years and maybe my skin had become accustomed to them. Time for a change!

I always research before new purchases so took to reading reviews and watching videos from trusted dermatologists and medical professionals. I found two impartial American cosmetic surgeons that come across well and their great sense of humour kept me interested.  They also love to look after their skin and every couple of weeks they post videos on Youtube covering different topics. On one of the videos, they championed Paula’s Choice.  I knew of the product range but as a SkinCeuticals devotee had never had reason to test them out.

To replace my current SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic serum I opted for Paula’s Choice Vitamin C15 Super Booster Serum costing £45 and the Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant at a price of £24.65.  For extra hydration I added a hydrating toner to my morning regime.

Having finally replaced the brush-head I also restarted using my Clarisonic Mia to cleanse morning and night. I can see a marked difference when using this tool and would highly recommend buying one.  

Our skin cell turnover slows down with age resulting in wrinkles, sagging, hyperpigmentation and blemishes.  Fortunately, there are products out there to help remove dead skin cells and increase our cell turnover.  Paula’s choice exfoliant has been a godsend.  I didn’t really start to notice the difference until a few weeks which is normal when you try a new product.  There’s no miracle solution that will make you look 10 years younger overnight but if you’re willing to play the long game, and a couple of weeks is hardly a lifetime, then this in my view was an easy win.

The AHAs and BHA leave-on exfoliant gently removes build-up of dead skin cells without damaging the outermost layer – a perfect product for over 35s.  Using this product everyday has helped smooth rough skin, unclogged my pores, and has reduced the appearance of fine lines.  With a great price and noticeable results this is now one of my favourite products. 

I’m hoping that you gorgeous goddesses already use a vitamin C serum as they are proven to brighten and help diminish signs of ageing.  The C15 Super Booster has improved my skin as I can see it’s more radiant, brighter, smoother and my “J-Lo” glow is back!  This serum also includes potent antioxidants including vitamin E, ferulic acid and skin-smoothing peptides and can also help fade brown spots which start to appear as we age.

If you’re using products that don’t seem to be making a difference and you’ve given it a good couple of skin cycles, then switch it up.  I’ve only used these two products from Paula’s Choice but I’m keen to try more.  

And remember an expensive skin product doesn’t always mean it’s the best.  Do your research, talk to friends, or listen to me!!!

Lastly, we are all beautiful and good skin health can be achieved by all.

Keep glowing!

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