
Step Out In Style With These New Season Coats!

It’s still chilly outside which means the need for outerwear persists and this gives us a great opportunity to wear a bright statement coat.    I can’t tell you how many compliments I receive when wearing a colourful coat or jacket.  LOTS!  For many, preparing an outfit in the morning under time pressure is not a top …


Want To Be Seen…Wear Green!

I have loved wearing the autumnal brown this season but feel it’s time to talk about the on-trend colour green.  It proved to be very popular during the summer months and is set to be one of the dominating colours for next year.   Green apparently suggests security, love, luck, and a well-balanced individual…?  As a queen …


Live Colourfully

Sometimes…all you need is a little splash of colour! In the supermarket on yet another dull July day I was deliberating which ice-lollies my boys would like when an older lady tapped my shoulder, “I had to come over to say how beautiful the colour of your dress is and how fabulous you look” she …


Hello Brown, We’ve Missed You!

The sophisticate brown is back! I’m certain you gorgeous goddesses have noticed that right now ‘brown’ is the colour of the moment. The shops are stocked with all types of clothing in different shades of this sometimes-under-rated colour. Come to think of it, I haven’t bought a single piece of clothing in brown since the …